The last entry was about the search for the perfect cakes for the cake auction. drum roll.......
Here are the cakes for the cub scout cake auction. After much debate, this year we decided on a race track cake for Trevor. It is a chocolate cake with white frosting covered with green sprinkles, that I ran all over town for the night before, and Oreo cookie crumbs for the track.
Oreo used to make Oreo crumbs already in the box crushed up. They sold it in the baking isle with the graham cracker crumbs. Well, I could not find it at any grocery store where I live, OK I just checked 2. So, all four of us crushed up the cookies for the cake. Trevor made the cake and did the decorating, with my guidance, all by himself.

Nathan decided on a cake and didn't change his mind. He decided to make a football field cake. It is also a chocolate cake with white icing and green sprinkles. Those sprinkles went a long way. He did the baking and the decorating all by himself. I made the white lines for him.

The auction is really fun. The boys have to pay $1 to get in and you bring a cake. Then you use the points that you have collected during the year and the summer to bid on cakes made by other boys. The boys have such a great time. We brought two chocolate cakes and came home with two yellow cakes.
One of the cakes was a gumball machine cake with M&M's for the gum and the other cake was a little campsite with graham cracker tents.
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